Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Ireland Trip - First Day (Dublin)

A Nap, a Pint, and a Bite (to eat).  After an exhausting a and stressful day of travel, those thhree things are the best prescription for happiness money can buy.

We finally touched down in Dublin at 8am local time after a long, sleepless flight from O'Hare.  I caught about 30 minutes of wine induced nappage after our in-flight dinner, but between my excitement and horrendous sleep schedule my body and mind were unable to coordinate efforts to deliver anything close to something that resembles actual, beneficial sleep.

When I went to turn on my phone after landing, the first (of what I'm sure to be many) snag in my plans occurred - my iPhone couldn't pick up a signal (after I specifically I went to verizon before I left and asked them to activate my SIM card for travel in Ireland.  They said they did, buy apparently that was not the case, which I found out after visiting multiple cell phone stores in Dublin).  I know realize how much of a "first world problem" this was, but at the time my sleep-deprived mind couldn't rationalize.  It's funny how easy it is to get sucked into dwelling on negativity, feeling sorry
for yourself, etc...but all it took for me to snap out of it was walking around the city centre.  I distinctly remember talking to myself, saying, "Hey dumbass - who gives a shit about the stupid phone.  You're in Ireland.  Enjoy!"

I took my luggage to the hostel but still couldn't check in for another three hours, so instead of taking a nap (which was my original plan), I decided to take in the sights.  I visited Trinity College, Dublin Castle, and St Patricks Cathedral (all of which you can see on my Facebook/Instagram pages), but it was almost as if I was having an out of body experience.  I was physically there, but mentally I felt very distant.  I don't know where my mind was - probably in survival mode trying to deal with my severe lack of sleep.

Finally it was time to check into my room and take a nap.  I laid down on the bed and I don't think it even took me 20 seconds before I was out.  I'm not sure if I had ever been that happy to lay down in my entire life.  I was sore in muscles I didn't even know I had.  I didn't even have time to take off my shoes or change clothes before I was in the middle of full-fledged REM sleep.  An amazing nap to say the least.  I have taken many a good nap in my day, but very few were ever as sorely needed as this one.

I awoke feeling refreshed and ready to join my friends Erin and Shannon (convenient names for 2 US girls traveling in Ireland), who are also in Ireland visiting over their fall break, for a pint.  It just so happens that the hostel where I am staying has a pub next door and, like all good pubs in Dublin, they serve Guinness.  I enjoyed a great pint and great conversation.  Always nice to see familiar faces when in a foreign land.  After the beer I headed to Leo Burdock's for fish and chips to cap the night.

As mentioned at the top, sometimes all it takes is a nap, a pint, and a bite to heal any travel weariness.  I'm back in my hostel for the night, showered (which was also amazing - that hot water pouring over my body did wonders.  I think I need to add that to the list) and ready to head out for Galway tomorrow.

I'm excited to experience Dublin a again on Monday before I fly home, because I feel like I wasn't fully present today.  St Patricks Park is absolutely lovely.  I think I could just end up spending the whole afternoon there Monday.

More travels await - Cheers!

PS: If this post sucks, I blame it on the lack of sleep.

Ireland Trip - O'hare Airport

Well, this trip is starting off like all good things in life do: with a pint.  Except this pint cost $10.  Damn you airport bar.  Don't get me wrong, I am a fan of Sam Adams Oktoberfest - but $10?  Really?  I have a tough time splurging for a 6 pack of Bells Two Hearted for $10.  So one measly pint for $10?  I guess the old saying holds true: location, location, location.  Where is capitalism at play, here?  Where is the competition?  This bar has a monopoly on the market.  These prices need to be driven down.  $10 for a pint?!  Maybe I should open up my own airport bar chain.  Perhaps that is the eternal entrepreneur in me?  I digress...

So I'm going to Ireland!  This should be a fun trip - one of my all-time spur of the moment decisions.  Booked my flight a week and a half ago.  I have no plans.  I have no idea what to expect.  This rivals my trip out west 2 years ago with my friends Caleb Laidig and Mark Lettinga.  That trip was conceived about 3 days prior to leaving and all we had in the way of a "plan" was plugging downtown Denver into our GPS and figuring it out once we arrived.  It was only supposed to be a 5 day trip to Colorado but we turned it into a 2 week excursion including Jackson Hole, Grand Teton National Park, and Yellowstone in addition to Colorado.  Some great memories were made on that trip.  On principal, we agreed that we would not pay for a hotel/any form of lodging the entire trip.  Still don't know how we pulled it off.

Anyways, this will be my second time visiting Europe (my first trip to the "motherland" was another epic adventure that included visiting friends studying abroad in France and Italy over the course of 3 weeks) and I am so excited to get back!  I still have 4.10€ in change from my last trip so I'm hoping that will cover my bus fare from Dublin airport to the city centre - fingers crossed!  I cannot wait to explore the Emerald Isle and take in the culture by which we in America have been so heavily influenced.  The Scott-Irish immigrants who settled in the Appalachian Mountains in America brought with them their Celtic folk music, and it is this mountain music which is the basis of American folk, bluegrass, and country music of today.  Hopefully I'll be able to find some inspiration by truly getting back to the roots of the music I love.

I just finished my $10 pint so I'll stop my rambling.  Hopefully I'll be diligent in keeping up with my blog throughout my travels.  No promises, though.  It's tough to find time to write during the craziness of traveling, exploring, and living in the present. 

It's about time to board the plane, so the next time I sit down to write I will be in Dublin!  
